Erebos Sport is a unique isotonic drink that contains 12 vitamins and 4 minerals to replenish the appropriate electrolytes during sports. But it also contains the original formula of 7 herbs that make it beneficial for the human body. Active stimulants such as caffeine are deliberately reduced here compared to the Energy version so that the hydration process is not disturbed. The main 7 types of herbs and spices form the backbone and functional basis of the drink. In addition, each variant contains its own fruit juices, which make up the character of each variant.
What herbs are used in the production of Erebos Sport?

Yerba Mate
Yerba Mate will give you a reliable kick even during demanding performance. The plant from the Amazon rainforest is stuffed with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It provides a clearer mind, better concentration and greater performance.

Kola nut is a natural source of caffeine and antioxidants. It suppresses the feeling of hunger, and stimulates the body and the mind. It will help you on demanding days when you need to handle physically or mentally demanding tasks.

Fennel contains health-promoting substances such as anethole, essential oils, phenyl carboxylic acids, fatty oils, flavonoids, coumarins, resins, bitter substances, saponins, rutin, vitamins A, B, C, E and numerous other trace elements. Thus, it acts as a natural antioxidant, strengthens the immune system and promotes normal digestion.

Kotvičník zemní
Nenápadná rostlina kotvičník zemní, neboli tribulus terrestris, nabudí nejen tělo, ale i mysl. Pozitivně ovlivní vaši paměť, povzbudí imunitu a zažene pocit vyčerpání a únavy. I když neobsahuje kofein, stimuluje váš organismus až o 60% více než životabudiče na bázi kofeinu.

Green tea contains a very high amount of polyphenols, which are substances that have anti-inflammatory effects and are also part of cancer prevention. It also supports brain function and important cognitive functions such as memory and concentration, promotes fat burning and increases performance during physical activity.

Kozinec blanitý
Ženšen pochází z Asie a pro své účinky je po staletí využíván v čínské medicíně. Posiluje imunitu, snižuje cholesterol, upravuje hladinu cukru v krvi. Ceněný je pro své protizánětlivé účinky a funguje jako spolehlivý odstraňovač stresu.

Maral root helps increase mental and physical endurance, strengthens immunity and eliminates chronic fatigue. In Siberia, where the plant grows wild, it is valued for its strong stimulating effects. It helps improve memory, facilitates learning and concentration.

which gives Erebos its unmistakable taste.
LIME version ingredients: water, fructose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, fruit juices: lemon (4%), sea buckthorn (1%), herbal extracts: Green Tea, Anemone, Maral, Yerba Mate, Kola, Fennel, Ginseng, a mixture of vitamins and minerals (potassium citrate, magnesium citrate, calcium citrate, vitamins: B3, B5, B6, B2, B1, B12, D, K, E, biotin, folic acid, natural flavor, Himalayan salt, sweetener: sucralose, natural colorant: chlorophyll.
Ingredients of GREP version: water, fructose, malt syrup, maltodextrin, fruit juices from concentrate: sea buckthorn (1%), grapefruit (1.5%), herbal extracts: Green Tea, Anchor, Maral, Yerba Mate, Fennel, Ginseng, a mixture of vitamins and minerals (potassium citrate, magnesium citrate, calcium citrate, vitamins: B3, B5, B6, B2, B1, B12, D, K, E, biotin, folic acid, natural flavor, Himalayan salt, natural coloring: beet extract, β-carotene sweetener: sucralose.
Contains no preservatives. Shake well before drinking. Store in a cool and dark place. Use immediately after opening. Sedimentation of herbs is a sign of the natural character of the drink. Original Czech recipe. Recommended dosage: drink regularly about 100-150 ml every 10-15 minutes during intense physical activity. Pay attention to a balanced, varied diet and a healthy lifestyle.